Digital Signages

Here’s Why Video Walls and Standees Steal the Show at Live Events

At a recent tech conference, attendees were greeted by a stunning visual display as they walked through the doors. A massive video wall showcased vibrant, dynamic content. Nearby, digital standees offered real-time updates and interactive features. From the start, it was clear that this wasn’t just another event but an experience.

Creating memorable and immersive events is now more crucial than ever. Traditional methods often struggle to capture and hold attention, which is where video walls and digital standees shine. These tools transform ordinary spaces into captivating environments, delivering visually striking and interactive content.

So, if you’re planning a live event and unsure about using digital standees and video walls, let’s explore how they can create an unforgettable experience for your audience.

Grab Attention with Jaw-Dropping Visuals

Let’s say you are in a concert where a gigantic video wall behind the stage is bursting with colors, live feeds, and epic animations. The crowd’s eyes are glued to it, and it’s not just the music that’s got them hooked. That’s the magic of customized video walls—they’re like having a mini-IMAX theater at your event.

And don’t forget about digital standees. These aren’t your average posters—they’re interactive and vibrant, making them perfect for drawing people in and keeping them engaged. Let’s say you are walking through a trade show and see digital standees that come to life with exciting product demos and updates. Talk about a head-turner!

Learn more: The Art of Visual Storytelling: Captivating Audiences with Video Walls in Events and Exhibitions – Intelisa

Get Your Crowd Interacting

Gone are the days of passive viewing. With video walls and digital standees, your audience isn’t just watching—they’re part of the action. These tools can feature touchscreens and motion sensors, letting attendees interact with the content directly.

Imagine a live poll on a video wall where your audience can vote in real-time or a digital standee where they can explore cool features of your product with a few taps. It’s like turning your event into a giant, interactive playground!

Flexibility That Fits Your Event Like a Glove

One of the coolest things about video walls and digital standees is their adaptability. Need to change up the content halfway through? No problem. Want to highlight different sponsors or sessions throughout the day? Easy peasy.

At a corporate seminar, you could start with a video wall showing opening remarks and switch to showcasing keynote highlights later. And those digital standees? They can update schedules or directions as needed, making sure everyone’s always in the loop.

Make Your Brand Shine Bright

When it comes to branding, video walls and digital standees are your best friends. They offer a prime spot to showcase your logo, highlight key messages, and make sure your brand stands out in the crowd.


Picture this: at a product launch, your video wall is alive with dazzling product demos and testimonials while digital standees spread your brand message across the venue. It’s like having a billboard that’s both engaging and hard to miss!

Keep Things Running Smoothly

Clear communication is key to a successful event, and video walls and digital standees can help you nail it. Use them to display essential info like venue maps, schedules, and updates. No more scrambling to find out where the next session is or missing out on important announcements!

At a convention, you could have a central video wall showing real-time updates while digital standees guide attendees to different sessions. It’s all about keeping everything running like a well-oiled machine.

Create Moments Worth Sharing

In the age of social media, creating shareable moments is a must. Video walls and digital standees can help you do just that. From stunning visuals and interactive experiences to cool photo ops, they’re perfect for making sure your event is all over social feeds.

Think about a video wall that features a live feed of social media posts with your event hashtag. Attendees can see their posts on the big screen, making them more likely to snap pics and share their excitement. And don’t overlook those digital standees with photo booths or fun, branded content—they’re sure to give attendees plenty to share.

Stay Ahead of the Curve With These Tools

Investing in video walls and digital standees is like future-proofing your events. As tech evolves, these tools will keep up, making sure your events stay fresh and exciting. The best part? You can easily update and tweak content, so you’re always ahead of the trends.

So, if you want to make your next event pop, spark engagement, and leave a lasting impression, video walls and digital standees are the way to go. They’re not just cool tech—they’re the key to creating unforgettable experiences that have your audience talking long after the event wraps up.

Want to know more about setting them up? Talk to our team today!

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Digital Signages

Sports, Trivia, Entertainment: Use Your Digital Signage Player For More Than Instructions

Digital signage has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a tool for displaying simple instructions or promotional content. Today, it has evolved into a versatile platform capable of engaging audiences in exciting and innovative ways.

By leveraging digital signage for sports updates, trivia games, and entertainment, businesses can enhance customer experiences, increase engagement, and create memorable interactions. Here’s how you can maximize the potential of your digital signage player beyond basic instructions.

Top Ways to Use Your Digital Signage Player For Entertainment

Let’s now look at some top ways you can use your digital signage player to engage customers:

Elevate Sports Engagement

For sports enthusiasts, digital signage can become the ultimate game-day companion. You can keep your audience hooked and informed by integrating live sports scores, highlights, and real-time updates. Imagine a sports bar or restaurant where patrons not only watch the game but also receive real-time stats, player profiles, and live tweets on the big screen. This dynamic content keeps fans engaged and creates a vibrant atmosphere. In fact, you can let people know the games you will be displaying at what time in your restaurant or bar like this:

Additional Ideas:

  • Stream expert commentary and post-game analysis to enhance the viewing experience.
  • Engage fans with live polls and predictions about game outcomes or player performances.
Interactive Trivia Games

Why not turn your digital signage into an interactive trivia hub? Trivia games are a fantastic way to engage your audience and encourage them to interact with your content. With digital signage, you can create trivia contests that allow viewers to participate in real-time, either through their smartphones or other interactive devices.

Set up quizzes related to your business, industry, or general knowledge, and offer prizes or rewards for correct answers. This not only entertains your audience but also drives traffic and keeps people coming back for more. You can also ask questions like this:

For example, a restaurant might run trivia nights with themed questions and offer discounts to winners, turning an ordinary night into a fun and engaging event. We also have more tips on improving customer communication in restaurants! Check them out here.

Here’s another example of an interactive game to get your customers hooked:

And if you want to take it up a notch, the best example is Yahoo’s bus stop derby challenge. Instead of boring bus stop ads, they used interactive signages to hook the audience with challenges that also allowed them to challenge other neighborhoods. Quite interesting, right?

Play popular music videos

Play popular music videos to set the mood and entertain guests. Music videos can transform the atmosphere of your restaurant, creating a vibrant and dynamic environment. Whether it’s the latest hits or classic tunes, having a mix of music videos can appeal to a wide range of tastes. It not only entertains guests but also encourages them to stay longer and enjoy their experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and potentially higher sales.

Diverse Entertainment Options

Digital signage doesn’t have to be limited to just sports or trivia. It can serve as a hub for a wide range of entertainment options. Here are a few ideas:

  • Local Events and Community News: Share information about local events, community happenings, or news updates to keep your audience informed and connected to their surroundings.
  • Interactive Polls and Surveys: Use your digital signage to conduct polls and surveys. This will engage your audience and provide valuable feedback and insights.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their photos or experiences related to your business. Displaying user-generated content can foster a sense of community and promote customer loyalty.
  • Live Streaming and Video Content: Stream live concerts, performances, or other events relevant to your audience. This adds a dynamic element to your digital signage and keeps viewers entertained.
Boost Customer Experience

Integrating these interactive and engaging elements into your digital signage can significantly enhance the customer experience. By offering more than just instructions, you create a lively, engaging environment that captures attention and keeps people entertained. This increased engagement can lead to longer dwell times, higher customer satisfaction, and increased revenue.


Digital signage has the potential to transform from a basic information tool into an interactive and engaging platform. By incorporating sports updates, trivia games, and diverse entertainment options, you can create a dynamic experience that captivates your audience and enhances their overall engagement with your business.

Don’t limit your digital signage player to just instructions—explore its full potential and watch how it can elevate your customer interactions to new heights. Intelisa, our advanced digital signage solution, can help you implement these exciting features effortlessly and effectively.

Ready to get started? Book your free trial today!

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Digital Signages

A reference guide to interactive kiosks

Interactive kiosks have changed how businesses and public services interact with customers and users. These versatile, self-service stations are everywhere, from airports and shopping malls to hospitals and museums. These kiosks significantly enhance customer experiences by providing quick access to information, reducing wait times, and offering convenient self-service options.

If you’re considering installing interactive kiosks but don’t know where to start, this guide covers everything you need to know. From understanding the different types of kiosks and their benefits to learning best practices for implementation, you’ll find all the essential information to make an informed decision and ensure a successful deployment.

What is an interactive kiosk?

An interactive kiosk is a self-service device that allows users to perform various tasks and access information without requiring direct staff assistance. These kiosks are equipped with touchscreens and sometimes other input methods like keyboards or card readers, enabling users to interact with the system in an intuitive and efficient manner.

Interactive kiosks are used in a wide range of environments, including retail stores, airports, hospitals, and museums. They serve multiple purposes, such as information dissemination, wayfinding, self-service transactions, and interactive advertising. By providing a user-friendly interface and immediate access to services, interactive kiosks enhance customer experience, increase operational efficiency, and offer businesses valuable insights through data collection.

Benefits of Interactive Kiosks

Here are some benefits of implementing interactive kiosks:

  • Enhanced customer experience: Interactive kiosks provide users with immediate access to information and services, improving convenience and satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: By automating routine tasks, kiosks free up staff to focus on more complex customer service needs, thus improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: Kiosks reduce the need for additional staff, leading to significant cost savings over time.
  • Data Collection: Kiosks can collect valuable user data, offering insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to refine services and marketing strategies.
  • 24/7 Availability: Many interactive kiosks can operate round the clock, providing services and information outside of regular business hours.
Types of interactive kiosks

Let’s move forward to the different types of interactive kiosks to understand the one best suitable for your needs.

Information Kiosks
These kiosks provide users with information on various topics, such as directions, schedules, and general inquiries.

Common Uses: Museums, airports, universities, and shopping malls.

Retail Kiosks
Designed for shopping-related activities, retail kiosks allow customers to browse products, check prices, and make purchases.

Common Uses: Retail stores, malls, and trade shows.

Self-Service Kiosks
These kiosks offer services that users can perform without staff assistance, such as check-ins, payments, and registrations.

Common Uses: Airports (for check-in), hospitals (for patient registration), and banks (for ATM services).

Wayfinding Kiosks
Equipped with interactive maps, these kiosks help users navigate large or complex environments.

Common Uses: Universities, shopping centers, and large corporate campuses.

Interactive Advertising Kiosks
These kiosks engage users with advertisements they can interact with, often integrating gamification or social media.

Common Uses: Retail environments, trade shows, and urban centers.

Digital Signage Kiosks
Combining traditional signage with interactive elements, these kiosks display information dynamically.

Common Uses: Public transportation hubs, events, and corporate lobbies.


Interactive kiosks are a powerful tool for enhancing user engagement, improving operational efficiency, and providing a wide range of services. By understanding the various types of kiosks, their benefits, and best practices for their implementation, businesses, and organizations can leverage this technology to meet their specific needs and drive growth .As technology advances, the capabilities and applications of interactive kiosks will continue to expand, offering even greater opportunities for innovation and improvement.

Best Practices for Implementation

Now that you know the types of interactive kiosks, let’s see how you can implement them.

User-friendly interface
Design the kiosk interface to be intuitive and easy to navigate, accommodating users of all ages and tech-savviness levels.

Regular Maintenance
Ensure that kiosks are regularly maintained and updated to prevent technical issues and security vulnerabilities.

Implement features such as text-to-speech, adjustable screen heights, and multilingual support to make kiosks accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Strategic placement
Position kiosks in high-traffic areas where they are most likely to be seen and used by the target audience.

Security measures
Incorporate robust security features to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

Integration with Other Systems
Ensure that kiosks are integrated with existing systems, such as inventory management or customer relationship management (CRM), to provide a seamless user experience.

Feedback Mechanism
Include a way for users to provide feedback on their experience with the kiosk, which will help identify areas for improvement.

Future Trends in Interactive Kiosks

Here are some future trends in interactive kiosks you must keep up with:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
AI can enhance kiosks with features like personalized recommendations, voice recognition, and predictive analytics.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AR and VR can provide immersive experiences that are particularly useful in retail and educational settings.

Mobile Integration
Increasingly, kiosks will interact with users’ mobile devices, allowing for seamless transitions between kiosk and smartphone interactions.

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Digital Signages

Upgrading customer communication at restaurants with Digital Menu Boards

Digital menu boards are known to make the ordering process easier and more effective. The ability to browse through visually appealing menus with clear descriptions and images helps customers make informed decisions quickly.

Restaurants can successfully boost sales by strategically placing high-margin items, enticing images, and promotional offers. The flexibility of these boards further allows for easy updates, ensuring that menus are always up-to-date and reflect any seasonal or limited-time offerings.

Join us as we delve into the benefits and possibilities of digital menu boards and discover how they are reshaping the future of restaurants. Get ready to take your dining experience to a whole new level.

Benefits of Using Digital Menu Boards in Restaurants

Digital menu boards offer many benefits for restaurants seeking to elevate their dining experience. Here are some major ones:

  • Makes the offerings visually compelling
    By incorporating high-resolution images and videos, restaurants can showcase their food and beverages in a way that entices and captures diners’ attention. The vibrant colors and dynamic displays create a sensory experience that engages customers and makes the decision-making process more enjoyable.
  • Easy updates and modifications
    Digital menu boards allow for easy updates and modifications. Unlike traditional paper menus, which require reprinting every time a menu item changes, digital boards can be updated instantly. This enables restaurants to swiftly respond to changes in ingredient availability, seasonal offerings, or limited-time promotions.
  • Ability to incorporate interactive elements
    With touchscreens or interactive displays, customers can engage with the menu, browse through different categories, and even customize their orders. This level of interactivity enhances the overall dining experience and provides valuable data for restaurants to analyze customer preferences and tailor their offerings accordingly.
How to Optimize the Dining Experience with Digital Menu Boards

To fully optimize the dining experience with digital menu boards, restaurants must consider several key factors. Here are some strategies to make the most out of these innovative displays:

Captivating visuals
Invest in high-quality images and videos that showcase the restaurant’s offerings in an appealing and appetizing way. The visuals should accurately represent the food and beverages, enticing customers to explore the menu further.

Clear and concise descriptions
Provide detailed yet concise descriptions of each menu item. Use enticing language to highlight unique features, flavors, and ingredients. The descriptions should be easy to read and understand, helping customers make informed choices.

Strategic placement
Position high-margin items, popular dishes, or limited-time offers in prominent locations on the digital menu board. Use eye-catching visuals and compelling descriptions to capture customers’ attention and encourage them to order these items.

Seasonal and limited-time promotions
Leverage the flexibility of digital menu boards to promote seasonal or limited-time offerings. Highlight special dishes, promotions, or events to create a sense of urgency and drive customer interest.

Interactive elements
Incorporate interactive features such as touchscreens or QR codes that allow customers to customize their orders or access additional information. This level of interactivity enhances the overall dining experience and engages customers on a deeper level.

The Future of Digital Menu Boards in the Restaurant Industry

As technology continues to evolve, the future of digital menu boards in the restaurant industry looks promising. Here are some trends and possibilities to look out for:

Integration with Mobile Ordering
Digital menu boards can be seamlessly integrated with mobile ordering platforms, allowing customers to browse the menu, place orders, and make payments directly from their smartphones. This streamlines the ordering process and provides a personalized experience for customers.

Artificial Intelligence and Personalization
With the help of artificial intelligence, digital menu boards can analyze customer preferences and make tailored recommendations. By leveraging data on past orders, dietary restrictions, and flavor preferences, restaurants can create personalized menus for each customer, further enhancing the dining experience.

Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences
Imagine seeing a 3D representation of your dish before ordering it. With the integration of augmented reality, digital menu boards can provide immersive experiences that allow customers to visualize their food in a virtual environment. This technology can potentially revolutionize how customers interact with menus and make dining decisions.

Sustainability and Cost Savings
Digital menu boards eliminate the need for printed menus, reducing paper waste and creating a more sustainable environment. Additionally, digitally updating menus saves printing costs and allows for more efficient menu management.

Optimize the dining experience with digital menu boards

Digital menu boards are transforming the restaurant industry by offering a dynamic and engaging platform for showcasing menus. With their visually stunning displays, easy updates, and opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, these boards are reshaping the future of restaurants.

As we look ahead, the integration of mobile ordering, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and sustainability will continue to shape the future of digital menu boards. Restaurateurs who embrace these advancements and leverage the power of these displays will be well-positioned to thrive in the ever-evolving dining landscape.

These are some of the ways digital menu boards can help your business thrive. But that’s not all. In our digital signage pdf, we have covered some of the top trends in DOOH advertising that can help you connect with your ideal customers better. Check it out today!

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Digital Signages

Enabling digital signage through the Amazon Fire Stick

Digital signages have become an increasingly popular method for businesses to convey information, advertisements, and interactive content to their customers or employees. With the advent of technology, the options for implementing digital signage have expanded, offering more flexibility and affordability.

One such versatile solution is leveraging the Amazon Fire Stick, a small yet powerful device originally designed for streaming media content on televisions. In this article, we’ll delve into what the Amazon Fire Stick is, explore its features, and guide you through the process of enabling digital signage using this innovative device.

What is an Amazon Fire Stick?

The Amazon Fire Stick is a compact streaming device developed by Amazon, designed to transform any compatible television into a smart TV. It is a small, plug-and-play device that connects to the HDMI port of your TV, allowing you to access a wide range of streaming services, apps, games, and other content directly on your television screen.

Essentially, the Fire Stick enables users to stream movies, TV shows, music, and more from popular platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+, and many others. The device operates on Amazon’s Fire OS, a customized version of the Android operating system optimized for media consumption.

Equipped with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, the Fire Stick seamlessly connects to your home network, enabling smooth streaming of high-definition content.  It also comes with a remote control featuring voice search capabilities, making it easy to find and navigate through your favorite content using simple voice commands.

How to enable Digital Signages through a fire stick

To enable digital signage through a Fire Stick, you first need to set up the Fire Stick using the following steps:

  • Connect the Fire TV Stick to the power adapter using the USB cable and plug it into the HDMI port of your display.
  • Turn on your device and choose the corresponding HDMI input source on your screen.
  • Wait for the Amazon Fire Stick logo to appear
  • Select your preferred language and WI-Fi network details using the remote
  • Sign in to your registered Amazon account.
  • Once signed in, you can configure your Amazon Fire TV Stick further according to your preferences.

Next, you need to download and install the Intelisa app on your Amazon Fire TV Stick; you can start by voice searching if you have an Alexa voice remote.

Alternatively, you can manually search for the app by following these steps:

  • Navigate to the Home page menu and select ‘Find.’
  • Choose the ‘Search’ option.
  • Use the directional pad to type ‘Intelisa’ and press the Select button to highlight the app.
  • Select the Intelisa app from the results and press the Select button.
  • Click on ‘Download.’
  • Wait for the download to complete, and then select ‘Open’ to launch the app.

Once the Intelisa app is launched, a eight-digit unique Screen Registration Code will appear on your screen. Enter this code on your Intelisa portal.

Now that you are all set, it’s time to configure content and settings:

  • Upload images, videos, or other multimedia content for your digital signage.
  • Customize the layout, scheduling, and other settings according to your preferences.

Save your changes and ensure that your Fire TV Stick remains connected to the internet for seamless content updates and management.

Applications of Digital signage using the Amazon Firestick

Let’s now look at some common applications of digital signage using the Amazon Firestick:

  • Retail Stores: Display promotions, product information, and advertisements to attract customers and enhance their shopping experience.
  • Restaurants and Cafes: Showcase menu items, daily specials, and upcoming events to inform customers and encourage upselling by using digital signage in restaurants.
  • Corporate Offices: Share important announcements, company news, and employee recognition to improve internal communication and engagement.
  • Healthcare Facilities: Provide patient education, wayfinding information, and appointment reminders to enhance the patient experience and streamline operations.
  • OOH Advertising: Install weather-resistant digital signage displays in outdoor locations such as bus stops, street corners, and sports arenas to reach a broader audience and increase brand visibility.
  • Transportation Hubs: Display real-time travel updates, departure schedules, and safety information to assist passengers and improve the overall transit experience.
  • Hotels and Hospitality: Welcome guests with personalized messages, promote amenities and services, and provide local area recommendations to enhance their stay.
  • Entertainment Venues: Advertise upcoming shows, movie schedules, and concession offerings to attract patrons and increase revenue.
General applications of Fire sticks

The Amazon Fire Stick allows you to stream movies, TV shows, and music from popular services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video on your TV. You can also install apps, browse the web, and mirror content from your devices.

Additionally, with Intelisa, you can use the Fire Stick for digital signages, displaying ads, announcements, or other content on your TV screen. It’s a versatile device that offers a range of entertainment and productivity options, all accessible through a simple plug-and-play setup.

Types of Firestick, specifications and reviews

You’ll find several Amazon Firestick options as you browse through the website. Let’s have a quick glimpse at the ones with the highest ratings:

Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote (includes TV and app controls)

With 84K+ reviews and 4.3 stars, this Amazon Fire Stick with Alexa voice remote is the preferred option. Let’s look at some of its specifications:

  • Output resolution supported: 1080p and 720p up to 60 fps
  • Processor: Quad-core 1.7 GHz
  • GPU: IMG GE8300
  • Storage: 8 GB internal
  • Voice support: Yes, with Alexa Voice Remote (included) or the free Fire TV app (available for download on Fire OS, Android, and iOS)
  • Audio support: Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital+ Surround sound and HDMI Audio passthrough for Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital+, Dolby Atmos.
  • TV compatibility: High-definition television with available HDMI input, internet connection via wifi, a power outlet
  • Video content formats supported: HDR 10, HDR10+, HLG, H.265, H.264, Vp9

Note: This Fire TV stick does not support 4K streaming. If that feature interests you, you can check Fire TV Stick 4K, which has 7,550 reviews and a 4.3-star rating.

Fire TV Stick Lite with all-new Alexa Voice Remote Lite

With 12K+ reviews, a 4.3-star rating, and 2K+ sales in the last month, this Fire TV Stick Lite can be a great pick. Let’s look at the specifications to see if it suits your needs:

  • Output resolution supported: 1080p and 720p up to 60 fps
  • Video content formats supported: HDR 10, HDR10+, HLG, H.265, H.264, Vp9
  • Voice support: Yes, with Alexa Voice Remote Lite (included) or the free Fire TV app (available for download on Fire OS, Android, and iOS)
  • Storage: 8 GB internal
  • Processor: Quad-core 1.7 GHzAudio support
  • Audio support: HDMI audio passthrough of Dolby-encoded audio (Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital+, Dolby Atmos

Now that you have all the information you need to enable digital signages using Fire Stick, it’s time to put this knowledge into use. If you want to learn more about how you can make the most of these two technologies, book a free trial today! Let our team of experts guide you through the way.

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Digital Signages

The Art of Visual Storytelling: Captivating Audiences with Video Walls in Events and Exhibitions

Capturing the attention of an audience continues to become more challenging. In events and exhibitions, the use of video walls has emerged as a powerful tool to engage and captivate viewers. The art of visual storytelling takes center stage as these impressive displays seamlessly merge technology and creativity to create a truly immersive experience.

Drawing inspiration from the world of cinema, video walls have the ability to transport audiences into a different realm, where brand stories are brought to life in vivid detail. These large-scale, high-resolution screens seamlessly blend together multiple videos, images, and animations, captivating viewers with their larger-than-life presence.

With their ability to attract attention and spark curiosity, video walls have become a must-have for brands looking to make a memorable impact at events and exhibitions. It’s time to embrace the art of visual storytelling and harness the power of video walls to captivate, engage, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

What are video walls?

Video walls are large-scale displays that consist of multiple screens seamlessly connected to form a single, cohesive display. These screens can be arranged in various configurations, such as a grid or a mosaic, to create a visually stunning effect. The screens can be LED panels, LCD panels, or projection-based, depending on the desired outcome and budget.

Video walls can be configured in various arrangements to suit different spatial constraints and visual preferences. Some common configurations include:

  • 2×2 Grid: In a 2×2 configuration, four display panels are arranged in a square grid, typically with two panels across and two panels down. This setup provides a compact yet impactful display solution.
  • 2×3 Grid: A 2×3 configuration consists of six display panels arranged in a rectangular grid, with two panels across and three panels down. This arrangement offers a wider aspect ratio compared to a 2×2 grid, which is ideal for showcasing widescreen content or creating immersive environments.

In some installations, the individual display panels may be angularly oriented rather than aligned perfectly parallel to each other. This angular orientation can create visually dynamic displays that stand out and draw attention.

For artistic or avant-garde installations, video wall panels may be arranged in a non-linear or seemingly random pattern. This unconventional arrangement can be used to create unique visual effects and artistic expressions.

Benefits of using video walls in events and exhibitions

Let’s now look at some benefits of installing video walls in events and exhibitions:

  • Attention-grabbing: Video walls instantly attract attention and create a sense of awe, making a lasting impression in crowded event spaces.
  • Flexibility in Content Display: Brands can blend videos, images, and animations seamlessly on video walls, allowing for dynamic storytelling and engaging experiences tailored to the target audience.
  • Scalability: Video walls can be customized in size and configuration to fit any event space, from small booths to large exhibition areas, ensuring effective communication with various audience sizes.
Types of video walls and their features

Video walls come in various types, each with its own unique features and benefits. The most common types include LED video walls, LCD video walls, and projection-based video walls.

LED video walls are known for their high brightness and excellent color reproduction. They are suitable for outdoor events and locations with high ambient light. LED panels are modular, allowing for easy customization of size and shape. They also offer a wide viewing angle, ensuring that the content is visible from different perspectives.

LCD video walls, on the other hand, are great for indoor events and exhibitions. They offer excellent image quality, with a high resolution and contrast ratio. LCD panels are thin and lightweight, making them easy to install and transport. They also consume less power compared to LED video walls, resulting in lower operating costs.

Projection-based video walls use projectors to display content on a large surface. They offer flexibility in terms of screen size and shape. Projection-based video walls are ideal for temporary installations or events where portability is important. However, they may require additional setup and calibration to achieve optimal image quality.

Planning and designing your video wall display

Before diving into the content creation process, it is important to plan and design your video wall display. Consider the following factors while doing the same:

  • Space and Configuration: Begin by assessing the event space and audience demographics to determine the optimal size and layout of the video wall. Experiment with different configurations to maximize visual impact, considering factors like available space and viewing distance.
  • Content Flow and Organization: Plan the narrative and content organization carefully. Decide whether the content will follow a linear sequence or incorporate a variety of media formats. Ensure a smooth and engaging visual experience for the audience by structuring the content effectively.
  • Technical Considerations: Pay attention to technical aspects such as resolution, aspect ratio, and content format. Optimize the content for the specific video wall configuration to achieve the best image quality. Seek guidance from professionals or experts to ensure seamless setup and operation of the video wall.
Content creation tips for video walls

Creating content for video walls requires a different approach compared to traditional displays. Here are some tips to help you create compelling and engaging content for your video wall display:

  1. Keep it visually engaging: Video walls offer a canvas for creativity, so make sure to take advantage of it. Use high-quality images, captivating videos, and attention-grabbing animations to create visually stunning content.
  2. Tell a story: Instead of simply showcasing products or services, focus on telling a story that resonates with your audience. Craft a narrative that captivates viewers and leaves a lasting impression.
  3. Consider the context: Think about the event or exhibition theme and the target audience. Tailor your content to align with the context, ensuring that it is relevant, relatable, and impactful.
  4. Optimize for attention: Video walls have the power to attract attention, but it’s important to keep the content engaging to maintain viewers’ interest. Consider the pace, duration, and sequencing of your content to create a captivating experience.
  5. Test and iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different content variations. Test your content on the video wall before the event or exhibition to ensure optimal visual impact. Gather feedback and iterate based on audience reactions.

Remember, the goal is to create a memorable and immersive experience that captivates your audience. Utilize the power of visual storytelling to create a lasting impression.

Examples of successful video wall installations

To inspire your own video wall creations, let’s explore some examples of successful video wall installations:

Nike: “Unlimited Stadium”

Nike created a massive circular video wall installation in the shape of a running track. Visitors were able to compete against a virtual avatar of themselves, creating a highly interactive and engaging experience.

BMW: “Art Cars”

BMW used video walls to showcase their iconic Art Cars, which are custom-designed vehicles created by renowned artists. The video walls displayed high-resolution images and videos of the Art Cars, allowing viewers to appreciate the intricate details and artistic expressions.

These examples demonstrate the power of video walls in creating immersive and memorable experiences. By combining creativity, technology, and storytelling, brands can captivate their audience and leave a lasting impression.

Measuring the success of video wall campaigns

Measuring the success of your video wall campaigns is essential to understand the impact and ROI of your efforts. Here are some key metrics to consider:

Engagement metrics
Track metrics such as dwell time, interaction rate, and audience participation to gauge the level of engagement with your video wall display. This will help you understand how effectively you’re capturing and holding viewers’ attention.

Social media metrics
Monitor social media mentions, shares, and engagement related to your video wall campaign. This will provide insights into the reach and impact of your campaign beyond the physical event or exhibition.

Lead generation and conversions
If your video wall display is part of a larger marketing campaign, track lead generation and conversions to measure the effectiveness of your efforts. This can include tracking QR code scans, website visits, or inquiries generated through your video wall display.

Post-event surveys and feedback
Gather feedback from event attendees to understand their perception and experience of your video wall display. Conduct post-event surveys or interviews to gather qualitative insights that can help inform future campaigns.

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the success of your video wall campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future events and exhibitions.

Install customized video walls with Intelisa!

As technology continues to advance, the art of visual storytelling in events and exhibitions will only become more important. Video walls offer a unique and powerful medium to captivate and engage audiences, creating immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression.

But with so many areas to keep in mind, you need a team of experts who can help you implement these video walls with ease. Intelisa provides you with customized digital solutions to give you the flexibility to arrange video walls as per your preference.

Be it a 2×2 screen arrangement, 2×3 screen arrangement, angularly oriented, or random screen arrangement, Our hardware is deeply integrated with our software, which helps us offer you tight customizable control over screens. Want to learn more about how Intelisa can help?

Book a free trial today!

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Digital Signages

From Static to Dynamic: How Digital Billboards are Transforming Marketing

As we enter into 2024, one thing is clear- traditional marketing tactics are quickly becoming obsolete.

Digital billboards are changing the marketing landscape with their eye-catching visuals, interactive capabilities, and methods of engaging with the target audience.

Gone are the days of static, one-dimensional billboards. Digital billboards offer dynamic content that can be updated in real-time, ensuring advertisers can deliver timely and relevant messages to their audience.

With this flexibility, brands respond quickly to changing market trends, launch new products, or showcase limited-time offers.

But it’s not just about the graphics. Digital billboards provide a platform for interactive experiences, allowing consumers to engage directly with the brand.

From QR codes that lead to exclusive offers to live polls and social media integrations, digital billboards create a seamless connection between offline and online marketing efforts.

But that’s not all; today, we will dive into more of how digital billboards are transforming the marketing landscape.

The evolution of billboards in marketing

Billboards have long been a staple of outdoor advertising, capturing the attention of passersby and spreading brand messages, be it India, Canada, the USA, or the Middle East. However, traditional billboards have limitations.

They are static, one-dimensional displays that can only showcase a single message for an extended period. In a dynamic and ever-changing market, this approach doesn’t cut it anymore.

What are digital billboards?

Digital billboards, on the other hand, offer a whole new level of flexibility and creativity. These innovative displays combine high-resolution screens, advanced technology, and real-time content updates to create captivating advertising experiences. Unlike their static counterparts, digital billboards allow for dynamic and interactive content that can be changed on the fly.

digital billboards

Digital billboards come in various sizes and formats, from small roadside displays to larger-than-life screens in bustling city centers. They are strategically placed in high-traffic areas, ensuring maximum visibility and reach. With their vibrant colors, sharp images, and motion capabilities, digital billboards effortlessly grab attention and make a lasting impression on viewers.

Advantages of digital billboards over static billboards

Here are some advantages of choosing digital billboards over static billboards:

  • Real-time content update
    Firstly, digital billboards offer unparalleled flexibility. Advertisers can update their content in real-time, allowing them to stay relevant and adapt to changing market conditions.Whether it’s announcing a flash sale, promoting a new product, or showcasing user-generated content, digital billboards provide the agility needed to keep up with the fast-paced world of marketing.
  • Targeted advertising
    Secondly, digital billboards enable targeted advertising. With the ability to schedule different messages at specific times of the day, advertisers can tailor their content to different audiences.For example, a breakfast cereal brand can display a morning-themed advertisement during rush hour, while a luxury car brand can showcase its latest model during evening commute hours. This level of customization ensures that brands are reaching the right people at the right time.
  • Delivers interactive experiences
    Digital billboards also provide interactive experiences by incorporating elements such as QR codes, augmented reality, or touch screens to motivate customers to take action.For example, a fashion retailer can display a QR code that leads to an exclusive online discount, encouraging passersby to scan and shop instantly. This seamless connection between offline and online marketing efforts helps bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds.
Case studies of successful digital billboard campaigns
  • Share a coke campaign by Coca Cola
    To truly understand the power of digital billboards, let’s take a look at some real-life examples of successful campaigns. One such example is the “Share a Coke” campaign by Coca-Cola.The company utilized digital billboards to display personalized messages, allowing consumers to see their names or personalized messages on the screen. This campaign not only generated buzz and social media engagement but also increased sales and brand loyalty.
  • McDonalds promoting limited period offers
    Another noteworthy campaign is that of McDonald’s, which leveraged digital billboards to promote their limited-time offers.By showcasing mouth-watering images of their latest menu items and updating the content regularly, McDonald’s was able to drive foot traffic to their stores and create a sense of urgency among consumers.
Tips for creating effective digital billboard content

Creating effective digital billboard content requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of this advertising medium:

1. Keep it simple

Digital billboards are meant to grab attention quickly, so avoid cluttering the screen with excessive text or visuals. Stick to a concise and compelling message that can be understood at a glance.

2. Use high-quality visuals

Invest in high-resolution images and videos that can captivate viewers. The quality of your visuals can make or break the impact of your digital billboard.

3. Incorporate motion

Take advantage of the dynamic nature of digital billboards by adding motion to your content. Animation, video clips, or even subtle movements can make your message more engaging and memorable.

4. Optimize for readability

Ensure that your text is easy to read from a distance. Use large fonts, clear typography, and contrasting colors to maximize legibility.

5. Call to action

Prompt viewers to take action by including a clear call to action in your digital billboard. Whether it’s visiting a website, scanning a QR code, or following your brand on social media, make it easy for consumers to engage with your brand.

The role of technology in digital billboard advertising

Technology plays a crucial role in the success of digital billboard advertising. Advanced software and hardware systems enable real-time content updates, remote monitoring, and data analytics. With these tools, advertisers can track the performance of their campaigns, measure audience engagement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their content.

billboard advertising

Additionally, technologies like GPS and geofencing allow for location-based targeting, ensuring that advertisements are displayed to the right audience in the right place. This level of precision targeting helps maximize the impact of digital billboard advertising and increase return on investment.

How Digital Billboards are Changing the Marketing Landscape

Digital billboards are not just a passing trend; they are changing the entire marketing landscape. By offering a dynamic and interactive platform, digital billboards are blurring the lines between offline and online advertising. They provide a bridge that connects physical spaces with digital experiences, allowing brands to create cohesive and immersive marketing campaigns.

Furthermore, digital billboards enable real-time marketing, allowing brands to respond quickly to trends, events, or market changes. With the ability to update content instantly, advertisers can deliver timely and relevant messages to their audience, enhancing brand relevance and consumer engagement.

Challenges and limitations of digital billboard advertising

While digital billboards offer numerous benefits, they also come with their fair share of challenges and limitations:

  • Cost
    One of the main challenges is the cost associated with implementing and maintaining digital billboards. The initial investment, as well as ongoing maintenance and content creation costs, can be significant.Therefore, it’s essential for brands to consider their budget carefully and the expected return on investment before diving into digital billboard advertising.
  • Information overload
    Another limitation is the potential for information overload. With multiple digital billboards in a single location, consumers may be bombarded with too many visual stimuli, leading to message fatigue or even ignoring the advertisements altogether.Advertisers must strike a balance between grabbing attention and overwhelming viewers.
Cost considerations for implementing digital billboards

Implementing digital billboards requires careful financial planning. The cost of digital billboards can vary depending on factors such as size, location, and technology features. Additionally, ongoing expenses such as content creation, software updates, and maintenance should be factored into the budget.

However, it’s important to note that despite the initial costs, digital billboards can offer a high return on investment. Their ability to attract attention, engage viewers, and provide data-driven insights can lead to increased brand awareness, foot traffic, and sales.

Conclusion: The future of digital billboard advertising

Digital billboards have transformed the marketing landscape, revolutionizing the way brands engage with their audience. With their dynamic content, interactive experiences, and real-time updates, digital billboards offer a new level of flexibility and creativity in advertising.

As technology continues to advance, we can expect digital billboards to become even more sophisticated. From personalized messaging based on audience demographics to enhanced targeting capabilities, the future of digital billboard advertising is promising.

To stay ahead of the curve and make the most out of this powerful advertising medium, brands should embrace digital billboards as an integral part of their marketing strategy.

Furthermore, dynamic billboards and digital signage are equally gaining traction, and businesses in India, the USA, Canada, and the Middle East continue to use them to their advantage.

Still not sure how to include this in your advertising strategy? Contact our team today, and we’ll help you out!

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Digital Signages

How to Maximize engagement with Dynamic DOOH

Digital OOH (out-of-home) advertising is a dynamic and high-impact form of advertising that utilizes digital screens, often placed in public spaces like malls, airports, and transit stations, to deliver marketing messages to a wide audience.

Unlike traditional static billboards, digital OOH allows for the display of a variety of content, including images, videos, animations, and even real-time information, making it a versatile and attention-grabbing medium for companies in various countries including India, Canada, US, Middle East.

Now, in this article, we will explore how dynamic content can enhance your advertising efforts and engage your audience in ways that traditional static ads simply can’t. So, let’s get started!

#1 Data-driven content helps personalize campaigns

Data-driven content involves using real-time data to tailor your DOOH campaign messages and visuals. The objective is to make your content not only relevant but also timely so it aligns with the needs and preferences of your target audience at any given moment.

Google’s “Make the Most of Summer” campaign is a great example of implementing data-driven DOOH campaigns. The advertisers understood the fascination of British people with the weather. So, it depicted various seasonal search terms and their responses. The campaign was a hit, and it’s all about understanding what your target customers want to see.

Let’s look at some ways you can utilize data-driven content in your DOOH campaigns:

  • Leverage local data
    Understand your audience’s local context. Consider variables like weather, traffic, and local events, and adapt your content accordingly.McDonald’s UK campaign is a great example of how you can use weather information to promote your products. The campaign used weather data to advertise its seasonal drinks- strawberry lemonade and millionaire’s frappe. When the temperature rose above 25 degrees, here’s what the digital signage displayed:
  • Demographic insights
    Use data to tailor your content based on the demographics of the viewers in the vicinity. You might want to show different products or messaging to young adults versus families or seniors.
  • Real-time updates
    Ensure your content management system is capable of real-time updates. If there’s a sudden change in the environment, your content should reflect it immediately. For instance, a food delivery service can adjust delivery times during peak traffic hours.
  • A/B testing
    Continuously test different content variations and track their performance. A/B testing can help you understand what resonates most with your audience, allowing you to fine-tune your content strategy.

Pro tip: Create content templates that can be easily customized with real-time data. This allows you to maintain a consistent brand identity while adapting to changing conditions.

#2 Audiences cannot resist Interactive experiences

Interactive experiences in OOH advertising involve enabling viewers to engage with your content actively. This can take various forms, such as touchscreens, QR codes, mobile integrations, or other mechanisms that encourage viewers to interact with the display. The goal is to create a memorable and engaging connection between the audience and your brand.

To ensure you provide interactive experiences, here are a few things you can follow:

  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)
    Make it unmistakably clear what viewers need to do to interact with your content. Whether it’s touching the screen, scanning a QR code, or using their mobile device, a well-placed and concise CTA is essential.
  • Incentivize interaction
    Provide an incentive for interaction. Offer discounts, exclusive content, or the chance to win prizes to motivate viewers to engage with your campaign.
  • Mobile integration
    Leverage viewers’ smartphones by integrating them into your campaign. For instance, using NFC technology to enable instant connections to a website or app can be a seamless and familiar way to engage.
  • Content Variety
    Offer a diverse range of interactive content. Polls, quizzes, games, and product configurators can all enhance engagement. Keep the content fresh and regularly update it to encourage repeat visits.
#3 Storytelling helps develop an emotional connect

OOH advertising campaigns should not just display products; they should tell a story. Storytelling captivates the audience’s emotions and creates a connection. Use sequential ads to narrate a story, reveal the benefits of a product or service, and maintain suspense. The human brain is naturally wired to respond to narratives, making this an effective engagement strategy.

Here are some tips to incorporate storytelling in your digital OOH campaigns:

  • Start with a hook
    Begin your narrative with a compelling and attention-grabbing message. Think of it as the opening scene of a movie that draws viewers in.
  • Sequential messaging
    Plan a sequence of messages that build on one another, creating a narrative flow. For instance, a car advertisement could start by highlighting fuel efficiency, then move to safety features, and finally, showcase the car in action.
  • Emotional appeal
    Use storytelling to evoke emotions. Whether it’s humor, nostalgia, empathy, or excitement, emotional content is more likely to resonate with viewers.
    When it comes to creating  an emotional connection, the Ad Council did a brilliant job with this DOOH campaign:

The campaign ran during COVID-19 and thanked all essential workers for their services. All these ads were strategically placed outside hospitals, grocery stores, and highways.

  • Audience connection
    Understand your audience’s values and interests. Tailor your narrative to resonate with them, whether that means appealing to their aspirations, fears, or desires.

Pro tip: Focus on multichannel integration and consider how your DOOH narrative fits into your overall marketing strategy. How can it connect with other channels, such as social media or online advertising, to create a consistent story?

#4 Location-based targeting increases relevance

Location-based targeting in OOH advertising involves tailoring content to the specific geographic location of the digital displays. This approach leverages the power of GPS technology and data analysis to deliver messages that are contextually relevant to the audience in a particular area, such as a neighborhood, city, or even a specific street

For instance, New York City’s Times Square is one of the best spots for running DOOH ads. Take CVS’s #beautyunaltered campaign, for example. The campaign motivated users to upload their unedited selfies, and the digital signage showed these images. As a result, CVS Beauty earned over 3.6 Billion impressions. Such results were achieved because of the focus on high-profile locations and dynamic user-generated content.

If you want to achieve such results, here are a few things you should focus on:

  • Audience segmentation
    Divide your target audience into segments based on their geographical location. Understand the unique preferences and needs of each segment to deliver content that resonates with them.
  • Geo-fencing
    Implement geofencing to define specific geographic areas where your content will be displayed. This allows for precise targeting, ensuring that your message reaches the intended audience.
  • Localized language and culture
    Adapt your content to the local language and culture. Ensure that your message is not only geographically relevant but also culturally sensitive.

Pro tip: digital signage solutions can help here with precise location-based targeting by allowing advertisers to remotely manage and adapt the content in real-time, ensuring the right message is displayed to the right audience at the right location.

#5 Social media integration helps spread the message

Social media integration in digital OOH advertising involves incorporating elements from popular social platforms, such as live social media feeds, user-generated content, hashtags, and social sharing mechanisms, into your DOOH campaigns. This approach allows you to leverage the massive audiences of social media to amplify the reach and engagement of your messages.

Here’s how you can use it to your best advantage:

  • User-generated content
    Encourage viewers to create and share content related to your campaign. Display user-generated photos, reviews, or posts on your DOOH screens to build social proof and authenticity.
  • Live social media feeds
    Display live social media feeds that showcase real-time updates, comments, and interactions related to your campaign or brand. This creates a dynamic and interactive experience.
  • Cross-platform consistency
    Ensure consistency between your DOOH campaign and your brand’s social media profiles. Visual elements, messaging, and branding should align across both mediums.

Pro tip: create dedicated landing pages or microsites that viewers can access via QR codes or short URLs displayed on DOOH screens. These pages should be optimized for mobile devices and encourage further engagement.

Boost your DOOH efforts with Intelisa!

To truly harness the power of dynamic digital OOH advertising, businesses need the right tools and solutions at their disposal. This is where Intelisa, a cutting-edge digital signage solution, steps into the spotlight. With our innovative features and capabilities, we can help create, schedule, and deliver captivating content seamlessly across digital screens.

Whether it’s tailoring messages in real-time, geo-targeting, or running interactive campaigns, Intelisa is the key to maximizing your DOOH efforts and taking your advertising to the next level.

Book a free trial today!

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Digital Signages

Top trends in Digital OOH advertising

Digital OOH advertising has become an increasingly powerful and effective medium for marketers to engage with consumers in the real world. With technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors, the DOOH landscape is continuously evolving. As of 2023, several exciting trends are shaping the future of digital OOH advertising. In this article, we will explore the top trends that marketers can expect and leverage to create impactful campaigns.

DOOH Advertising Trend 1: Programmatic Advertising Dominance

Programmatic advertising is changing how ads are shown online, and now it’s starting to do the same for ads displayed in public places. In the future, programmatic advertising will become even more critical in these public spaces. It will let advertisers automatically buy and sell ad space in real time. This will make things easier for them and help them reach the right people with their ads at the right time. Using data and insights, advertisers will be able to create personalized ads that are relevant to the people seeing them. This will make their ads more effective.

DOOH Advertising Trend 2: Dynamic Content and Personalization

Gone are the days of static billboards. In 2023, digital OOH advertising will continue to embrace dynamic content and personalization to capture consumers’ attention. With the integration of data sources such as weather, time, location, and audience demographics, advertisers can create highly targeted and customized content.

For example, let’s consider a retail store, like a clothing brand. Using DOOH advertising, the store can display different advertisements based on the current weather and time of day. During a rainy day, the digital billboard could showcase waterproof jackets and stylish rain boots, enticing passersby to visit the store and stay dry. As the day progresses and the weather clears up, the content can dynamically switch to displaying summer dresses and sunglasses, reflecting the changing atmosphere and appealing to shoppers looking for summer fashion inspiration.

By leveraging data on location and audience demographics, the retail store can further personalize the content displayed on the digital billboard. If the billboard is located in a trendy shopping district, it could showcase the latest fashion trends tailored to the preferences of the target demographic in that specific area.

Alternatively, if the store is located near a university, the digital billboard can promote student discounts or highlight trendy and affordable back-to-school outfits. This level of personalization in DOOH advertising not only grabs the attention of viewers but also creates a sense of relevance and connection with the brand.

DOOH Advertising Trend 3: Interactive and Immersive Experiences

Consumers are increasingly seeking immersive experiences that go beyond passive viewing. In response, OOH advertising is incorporating interactive elements to make advertising more engaging. Touchscreens, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) are being integrated into digital screens, enabling users to interact with the content and brands in real time.

For instance, a cosmetic brand can allow users to virtually try on different shades of lipstick or a clothing retailer can provide an AR mirror to try on virtual outfits. These interactive experiences captivate the audience and enable brands to collect valuable data and insights.

On that note, here’s a great example of how Pedigree used interactive signage that allows users to play and feed the dog. It’s trying to show the joy of being a pet parent. Cute, right?

DOOH Advertising Trend 4: Integration with Mobile Devices

Advertisers are finding new ways to connect with smartphone users by combining their digital ads with mobile devices. In 2023, we’ll see more ways that digital screens and mobile phones work together smoothly. Technologies like NFC, QR codes, and beacons are being used to link offline and online experiences.

Users can easily tap their phones or scan a QR code to get more information, special deals, or exclusive content related to the ads they see on digital screens. This connection makes it more engaging for users and allows advertisers to measure how well their ads work.

DOOH Advertising Trend 5: Data-Driven Insights and Analytics

One of the significant advantages of digital OOH advertising is the ability to gather data and measure campaign effectiveness. In 2023, advancements in data analytics will play a vital role in optimizing DOOH campaigns.

Real-time data on audience demographics, engagement levels, and campaign performance will help advertisers refine their strategies. AI-powered analytics tools will provide valuable insights, enabling advertisers to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, ultimately enhancing the ROI of their DOOH campaigns.

DOOH Advertising Trend 6: Sustainability and CSR Initiatives

As environmental concerns take center stage globally, brands are increasingly focusing on sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). This trend will also impact DOOH advertising in 2023 and beyond. Advertisers will embrace eco-friendly practices, such as using energy-efficient screens, utilizing renewable energy sources, and incorporating recycled materials into the infrastructure. Additionally, brands will leverage DOOH platforms.

DOOH Advertising Trend 7: Rise of Creative Formats

In 2023, DOOH advertising will see a rise in creative formats. Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) enables real-time personalization, aligning with consumers’ mindsets. Audio-based DOOH and anamorphic 3D videos are emerging formats. These formats enhance engagement and create immersive experiences.

Marketers will adopt these innovative approaches to engage target audiences effectively, making campaigns more memorable. With dynamic, 3D, and audio elements, DOOH advertising can captivate viewers, drive brand recall, and push the boundaries of creativity. The major trend is the adoption of new creative formats, allowing advertisers to create contextually relevant and captivating content in the DOOH space.

Nike’s AirMax 3D billboard in Japan is an extraordinary example of an immersive and captivating advertising trend. This groundbreaking campaign combines advanced technology, intricate details, and unparalleled creativity to bring the AirMax shoes to life in a way that leaves viewers in awe.

The AirMax shoes on the billboard come to life upon interaction, seamlessly blending the virtual and physical realms. Users can use their smartphones to unlock a unique augmented reality experience, enabling them to try on the AirMax shoes virtually, customize the colors and patterns, and even see how they look in different real-world environments.

Stay Ahead of The Curve With Intelisa!

In the ever-evolving world of digital OOH advertising, staying ahead of the trends is crucial for marketers. By keeping up with the trends, businesses in different parts of the world are making great progress including India, Canada, USA, and Middle East. To execute these trends effectively, Intelisa, a powerful digital signage software, can be a valuable asset.

With Intelisa, marketers can leverage real-time communication to ensure that their ads are delivered promptly, capturing the right audience’s attention at the right moment. The software’s AI-based personalization capabilities enable marketers to create tailored and contextually relevant content that resonates with viewers, increasing engagement and campaign effectiveness. Intelisa’s offline mode also ensures uninterrupted operation, allowing ads to continue displaying even in situations with limited or no internet connectivity.

Want to know more about how Intelisa can help you execute impactful DOOH campaigns? Book a Free Trial With Us Today!.

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Digital Signages

Digital Signage Evaluation checklist

Digital Signages are steadily and surely making their way into businesses across sectors. A real-time digital channel is much required, especially in a place in which you have your customers attention.

Given their intention to ‘buy’, you have the time with your customers to pass on important pieces of communication. It is well known that customer engagement has the ability to dramatically uplift sales.

So why not use the golden time with your customer to communicate efficiently and increase engagement, and eventually sales.

Digital Signages, therefore, maybe key, but requirements and needs across different sectors are not quite the same. Therefore, the solution deployed may differ. For example, a food outlet may not have a change in their menu or dishes, as often as say a clothing store which has changing trends and designs.

With different requirements, come different solutions, and more importantly different price points and features.

To optimize your Digital Signage solution to the best possible configuration, one must keep in mind various parameters before deciding a direction. For example, once a hardware is procured, you are limited by its capabilities, so make sure you think it through and make a choice.

Here are some key points one must think through before taking a decision on a digital signage technology for your business.

1) What will it be used for?

Understanding the intended application of the digital signage solution is essential in evaluating the infrastructure you need.

Is it used to show basic offerings, or is it for secondary revenues like advertisements?
Would simple images and videos do, or would you at some point want to integrate it with your ERP to show real-time data?

Let’s say you own a fast-food chain, and you want to use digital signage to showcase your menu offerings. In this case, the digital signage solution would be primarily used to display basic offerings such as burger combos, meal deals, and limited-time promotions.

However, if you plan to expand your business to include third-party advertisements, the solution should also support dynamic ad content, allowing you to generate additional revenue by showcasing ads from partner brands.

2) Hardware – will it satisfy your current requirements as well as in the future?
Charting down current and future requirements for your solution is important, especially with respect to its hardware (device).
This is because your hardware may prove to be a constraint over time. Of course, don’t over think this, there’s no need to imagine “maybe” scenarios to needlessly purchase an upgraded hardware when there is no foreseeable need.
For longer term changes, there are innovative ways to work around upgrading.

For example: A signage whose purpose is to share best practices in a corporate, maybe required at some point to enable live streaming of leadership messages. Hence, this must be accounted for in the hardware. However, there is no need for complex advertising features for this use case.

3) Ease of use
In our experience, this cannot be emphasized enough. Complex installations, deployments, and needless integrations make a solution difficult to adopt by your own staff, who are to be its users. To start with, focus on the “ease of use” of the product. It should be plug-and-play and easy to understand by users. And in consecutive steps, advanced features can be plugged in.

Consider a retail store where the staff is responsible for managing the digital signage. The solution you choose should have a user-friendly interface that requires minimal training. A plug-and-play system with an intuitive content management platform would enable your staff to easily update and schedule promotions, ensuring smooth operation without the need for extensive technical expertise.

4) Dashboards and alerts to monitor
One of the facets of monitoring remotely, is to have aggregated data or dashboards that can be centrally viewed by users. For example: if the utilization of the screen or revenue earned for a Digital OOH provider is a key metric, a real-time dashboard of utilization and revenue earned, and its trends will be key to the management.

Such Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) should be distilled out and easily viewable.

In addition, you may trigger alerts on certain events. For example, in the previous example, if the utilization is too low, one may send out a mail or an SMS to the management mentioning that revenue earned is currently below the minimum threshold.

5) Capability to integrate – social media / ERP
One should always check out the ability of a solution provider to integrate with ERP’s and social media. Many times, solution providers use out-of-box solutions and don’t have access to customize beyond a certain level, which may restrict the solution’s capability.

Imagine you operate a fashion boutique and want to create engaging campaigns by incorporating user-generated content. With social media integration, customers can be encouraged to post pictures of themselves wearing your brand with a specific hashtag. These posts can then be aggregated and displayed on the digital signages within your store, showcasing real customers and promoting a sense of community and authenticity.

6) Ability to add sensors
These are also very important and exciting additions to the core product. The ability to add sensors tremendously increases digital signage use cases. For example, with motion sensors, one can play videos based on which product is viewed or picked up by customers, substantially increasing engagement and sales.

Imagine you’re the administrator of a busy hospital. Incorporating sensors into your digital signages can improve the overall patient experience and streamline hospital operations.

For instance, you can install occupancy sensors in waiting areas to monitor the number of people present. When the occupancy reaches a certain threshold, the digital signage can display messages encouraging patients to move to quieter areas, reducing overcrowding and improving comfort.

7) Pricing
After the technical requirements are satisfied, the next key parameter is, of course, cost and how it can be optimized. One should have a pricing model that works on features used and/ or volumes. One can then ‘scale it up’ later to add in more features and optimize costs.

8) Lead time, refresher trainings & scalability
These three may seem minor but important points to keep in mind, and can be the last step in your conversations with service providers. You should align on a lead time for end-to-end installation of the digital signage solution.
In addition, frequency and duration of remote trainings, can be enquired on. Many a times, the operators using the solution change, and so a refresher training for them, as well as for any new features must also be enabled.
Finally, scalability and ease of expanding the solution to different locations and the mobility of existing installations must also be gauged. This is generally easy and hence, should not be an issue.

At Intelisa, we are happy to consult you on the optimum configuration you would need for your requirements, so that you don’t need to worry about the tech, and can focus on what you do really well, which is customer engagement and business growth!

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